The plus size fashion industry is booming, and with it, the increase of plus size models. Each year, we’re seeing more brands embrace diversity, while Ashley Graham is the 10th best paid model in the world. It’s therefore no surprise that so many people are wondering how they can become the next modelling sensation – curves and all!
I sat down with one of Yours Clothing’s longest serving models, Lucy Moore, to ask how she became a plus size model and if she has any advice for aspiring models. With dark brown eyes, a creamy complexion and an enchanting smile, it’s difficult to take your eyes off Lucy’s mesmerising features. As I ask questions about her career, her modesty is obvious. “I’m nothing special” she insists, rolling her eyes and sighing as she tells me how her mum says she’s beautiful. Her mum’s not biased, Lucy is beautiful.

How long have you been a plus size model for?
I’ve been a model for 7 years. I started when I was 20 and I’m now 27.
What did you do before you were a plus size model?
Before I started modelling I was studying for my degree in Criminal Justice. I had wanted to be a Youth Offender Worker – but looking back I’m probably too much of a softie for that kind of job. My mum always wanted me to model as a kid though – I had blonde ringlets and dark brown eyes and people would often comment on my looks.
How did you become a plus size model?
I took part in an Anne Summers competition when I was 20. They were looking for customers to model their lingerie, and as part of the competition we had to do an advert on ITV2 in our underwear. The public then voted for their favourite model and I won. I still can’t believe it. It seems so weird that this is actually my full-time job now. If I hadn’t taken that opportunity my modelling career may never have happened – it’s so important to take opportunities when they present themselves.
Which three qualities do you need to be a model?
- I would say that it’s important to not take things personality. You’re never going to be someone’s cup of tea forever. Fashion changes and sometimes brands need new models to represent that change.
- It’s also important to stay true to yourself. Some brands treat you like royalty, while others – not so much. Don’t get ahead of yourself and remember who you are.
- Lastly, believe in yourself. If you’re not confident on a shoot, they won’t see your potential.

What’s the hardest thing about being a model?
Being away from friends and family, definitely! With modelling you never know when your next job will be – which means that you have to take opportunities when they arise. Unfortunately, that means changing plans and missing out on social events.
What’s your favourite thing about being a model?
Getting to meet new people and seeing amazing places. I got back from Hamburg yesterday and tomorrow I’m heading to the Alps.
Where is your favourite place you’ve worked?
My favourite place was the Maldives – they sent champagne to my room! I was like, sorry, is this for me?! I couldn’t believe it. It was so beautiful there.
What advice would you give to people who want to start a career in modelling?
Don’t take no for an answer and believe in yourself. My first modelling agency told me I should do weight watchers – imagine if I’d have listened! It’s so important to be confident and never give up. Stay hard working, determined and take opportunities when they come!

Will you always be a model?
People often ask me what I’ll do after modelling and I have no answer. But as the industry embraces diversity, older models seem to be used more. So, who knows!
Do you think anyone can be a model?
Definitely! Modelling is becoming far more inclusive, which means there’s now more chance for people to get noticed. Anyone can do it!
Lucy Moore’s Instagram handle is @lucymooremodel
If you are interested in starting a career in plus size modelling, we would love to hear from you! Here’s what you need to do:
- Take full length and head shot photographs of yourself wearing plain clothes and minimal make-up.
- Make sure that you’re comfortable in front of the camera. Get one of your friends to take your photo as a way of practising.
- Send your photos along with a description of yourself and any previous modelling experience to: [email protected]
- If you are successful, Yours Clothing will contact you and arrange a casting.